Halibut Fishing Charters

Homer, Alaska is the “Halibut Fishing Capital of the World.”The Halibut limit is still 2 Halibut per person per day in 2024!

2024 Halibut Fishing Regulations for Area 3A:

  • You are allowed a daily bag limit of 2 halibut: one Halibut can be any size and one Halibut must be 28 inches or less
  • There is no annual limit on Halibut
  • No charter fishing allowed for Halibut Wednesdays.
  • We are available for Salmon and Rockfish charters on Wednesdays

We would love to take you halibut fishing in beautiful Kachemak Bay and Cook Inlet! Our captains are friendly, knowledgeable and love to show their anglers a great time!

Fish with Bob’s for your halibut which can sometimes be caught the size of a “barn door.”

Bob’s fishermen have landed many halibut that weigh in the 100-300 pound range! What huge fish! Pacific halibut are delicious to eat and your family and friends will love their taste. According to ADF&G, the Kachemak Bay halibut averages in size from about 15-17 pounds and those halibut are the younger, tender ‘good eating’ sizes. On our full day charters, we give you the opportunity to try to catch our bigger halibut and experience the anticipation and the excitement about what size halibut might bite your line!

Homer is “just for the halibut”! Let us show you a good time and have some fun halibut fishing together!

Trip Offerings

  1. Full Day Halibut Fishing: We offer full day halibut fishing trips on our big boat, the Nauti-Lady, as well as on our 6 passenger boats. Our usual departure time is 7 am and the return time is between 4-6pm. In September after Labor Day usually we depart later as the daylight time becomes shorter.
  2. 3/4 Day Halibut Fishing: In addition to full day trips we offer 3/4 day halibut fishing trips. These trips are designed for folks that wish to do a little bit more fishing than a half day trip and a little less than a full day trip. Our usual departure time is at 8am and the boat returns between 3-4pm and you will be placed on the Nauti-Lady a 18 passenger US Coast Guard inspected vessel.
  3. Combination Fishing Trips: We can combine Halibut with Salmon, Halibut with Rockfish, or Halibut with Lingcod and Rockfish if you are on a 6 passenger boat. Combos are not available on the Nauti-Lady, our 18 passenger boat.
Contact Us

Send us an email or call us at 907-756-3755 we will be more than happy to show you Alaska and take you fishing! <a style="font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; color: #212121; text-decoration: none;" href="https://www.positivessl.com/trusted-ssl-site-seal.php"><img class="aligncenter" title="Trusted Site Seal for Transparent background" src="https://www.positivessl.com/images-new/comodo_secure_seal_113x59_transp.png" alt="Trusted Site Seal" border="0" /></a> <div style="font-family: arial; font-weight: bold; font-size: 15px; color: #86bee0; text-align: center;"><a style="color: #86bee0; text-decoration: none;" href="https://www.positivessl.com">SSL Certificate</a></div>

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